My primary language of choice for either frontend or backend. By JavaScript, I obviously mean TypeScript. I have experience with Node.js and many frameworks, including Vue (+ Nuxt.js, with which this website is built), React (+ Next.js), jQuery (good old days), AdonisJS, Nest.js and many more.
From implementing website designs from scratch and using different CSS frameworks (Bootstrap, Bulma, Semantic UI, ...) and utility libraries, I've tried almost everything. I also love having either SCSS or Less as the preprocessors, since they reduce the codebase by a lot.
Lately, I've been getting into Go. Mainly due to its amazing performance, but also due to the clean and opinionated design. I use it to make some simple scripts and smaller APIs for my hobby projects.
I have some university grade Java knowledge. I have used some web frameworks in unison with other Node.js servers in Kubernetes clusters. They used etcd servers to discover eachother, had health checks, autoscaled, etc.
Since recently picking up Laravel at work, I think that PHP is not going away for at least a few more years. I have also made web store and CMS software from scratch using pure PHP.
For all the backend work that includes computation (computer vision, data science, neural network stuff and other research oriented projects), I almost exclusively use Python.
Check out these more skills in action on my GitHub profile!